xensesASUS Xonar sound cards have become quite popular and the component maker has been able of keeping the momentum. During CeBIT it revealed that it would launch a new Xonar sound card together with headphone maker Sennheiser. ASUS and Sennheiser sounds like a promising combination and now that details on Xonar Xense have surfaced we know what to expect.

ASUS Xonar Xense reached VR-Zone where they looked beneath the big aluminum heatsink hiding high-quality components, 7Vrms headphone amplifier and tons of capacitors. Even if the card is designed for gamers and doesn’t have RCA connectors it has other audiophilic outputs, like DVI, to output 7.1 audio.

We eagerly await the first reviews, and the price ASUS and Sennheiser will set for the Xonar Xense package.


Some of the components and functions of Xonar Xense;

  • CMEDIA digital audio processor
  • Texas Instruments PCM1796 DAC
  • Upgradeable DIP OPAMPs
  • Texas Instruments TPA6120 headphone amplifier
  • EAX
  • DirectSound
  • 118db

Pictures by VR-Zone

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