Small preview imageMP3-players has been showing up any many shades, but going as far as integrating a MP3-player in yourself may not be what many thought of. Yet what more and more girls tend to want breastimplants. This gives undoubtedly(?) undreamt possibilities, and now a future-scientist named Ian Pearson claims that we in the future might have breastimplants which work as MP3-players as well. One breast could contain the electronics, whilst the other could contain flash-memory for storage of thousands of songs. We assume that the bigger implant, the larger the storage capacity. If this vision will become reality, is yet to be seen. But changing radio-stations or to the next song might get a whole new significance.

“Forget neck-hanging MP3 players – the next generation of Zens, iPods and Walkmans could come in the form of breast implants.

So says BT futurologist Ian Pearson, who suggests one boob could hold the processing tech and the other could secret away flash memory to store titilatting tunes. A battery and USB port would be fitted in the underwiring of a bra and connect to the MP3 player through the wearer’s skin.”

:: Read more of our futures MP3-players.

P.S. – The news image ended up the way it did, but hey, we’re actually a hardware-site…

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