Hem Nyheter Sida 28


Här hittar du nyheter från PC- och teknikvärlden, allt från nya produktlanseringar till heta rykten och uppseendeväckande händelser i branschen.

AMD sold more processors than Intel in the USA during October

AMD is really hot at the moment and according to a report from the analysts at Current Analysis AMD has had a supreme October....

En Apple-dåres försvarstal…

Jag ska börja med att säga att jag använder Mac på jobbet och vet mycket väl vad de går för, men jag har misslyckats...

Unreal Engine 5 ska ge 4K-kvalité vid 1080p-belastning

Epic Games har nu förhandsvisat spelmotorn Unreal Engine 5 som med Temporal Super Resolution ska kunna ge 4K-kvalité med en belastning som ligger på...

Auxillary display – a technology to keep an eye on

Auxiliary display has been one of the technologies presented during WinHEC this week, among others we saw some news on this in Anandtech's WinHEC coverage....

AMD releases 8 new Athlon processors

Say what you want about Microsoft and its Windows operating system but the PC industry is adjusting according to its launch dates and general...

Wireless Mighty Mouse already available

Yesterday we reported about how Apple had submitted a filing to the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) regarding a wireless version of its Might Mouse...

Toshiba announces 1GHz 65nm mediaprocessor

Toshiba is together with Sony and IBM the companies behind, what they call, the world's most powerful mediaprocessor, namely Cell. Now Toshiba has announced...

Philips SRT9320 Prestigo – Intryck

Jag beställde en Philips SRT9320 Prestigo för en vecka sedan ungefär och något försenad dök den upp på mitt utlämningsställe. Mot bättre vetande hade...

NVIDIA postpones 9800GX2 and new chipsets to March

The stories surrounding NVIDIA's new GeForce 9 series are many right now. The launch of GeForce 9600GT was recently delayed due to a voltage...

Sony is working on Playstation 3’s backwards compatibility problems

Playstation 3 has earlier been reported having some problems with backwards compatibility. This has mainly applied to Playstation 2 since this hardware is a lot...
