Graphics card maker Galaxy is working on a new model of GeForce GTX 460 that will be different. The card is as large as a GeForce GTX 485 and beside 2GB graphics memory Galaxy has used the extra space to throw in a mini-PCIe port and a mini-USB output.

Galaxy’s mystical GeForce GTX 460 card has appeared on pictures at Expreview and without any detailed information specualtions have flourished. With a single PCI Express channel dedicated to the mini-PCIe port there is at most 500 MB/s to access. This could be used to connect other graphics cards or perhaps some kind of storage device.


There are a lot of different mini-PCIe products that could work. The mini-USB connector is found between a switch and the DisplayPort output probably plays a role somehow. So far it’s all speculations and the only thing Galaxy reveals is that the card will be presented soon and with an unsurpassed design.

We look positive on most innovative solutions, something Galaxy has a love for. The great question is just what it has come up with this time, and how usable the new GeForce GTX 460 card will be.


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