Memory maker Hynix has announced the next step in the development of flash-based storage technology. It has now started mass producing 64Gb NAND flash circuits with 20nm grade technology.

Hynix’ 300mm fabrik M11 in Cheo ngju is moving out the new flash memory circuits and Hynix says that the new 2xnm technology can produce 60% more memory circuits than possible with the equivalent 3xnm technology.


By fitting a lot more memory chips on the same silicon wafer surface it can lower production costs, which not only tends for higher storage capacities but also lower prices.

“Hynix decided to mass produce the industry’s highest density64Gb chips using 20nm class technology in order to fully satisfy demand from the customers. With these 20nm class 64Gb chips, the Company is enabled to provide customized, high performance products in a timely manner which perfectly suits mobile solutions including smartphones, table PCs and others, säger Dr SW Park, Executive Vice President och Chief Technology Officer vid Hynix

Hynix has also started a joint venture with Israeli company Anobit. The company has supplied Hynix with a new NAND flash memory technology to use with the new 20nm grade memory circuits for extra high performance. This combination is expected to be completed and ready for products in September 2010.


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