Processor giant Intel and mobile phone giant Nokia has announced a joint research laboriaty at Uleåborg University, Finland. The research will primarily revolve around the mobile operating system MeeGo, but focus on 3D.

Intel and Nokia Joint Innovation Center will investigate and develop mobile 3D user interfaces. About 20 scientists will be focusing on mobile user experiences and like the MeeGo platform as a whole the project will be open source.

Initially the lab will conduct research for new and compelling mobile user experiences that could leverage the rapidly increasing capabilities of mobile devices. Creating interfaces that are more similar to interactions in the real world can enable experiences that are more natural and intuitive, in the same way that modern games and movies are more immersive through the use of realistic 3-D graphics.

An interesting area of use that is mentioned in the press release by Intel is technology for creating 3D holograms of the person your talking to in your mobile phone. The key wordis a enthralling experience.

Intel’s and Nokia’s new laboratory is the latest addition to Intel’s european research network; Intel Labs Europe and will be located at Uleåborg University.


Intel’s coming mobile Medfield platform will focus on ultramobile devices like smartphones and other handheld devices. We are now getting a feel for what the impressive performance can be used for when Intel and Nokia decide to shift gears in the development of the MeeGo platform.

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