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While we continue to ponder how Dell managed to fit a fully functioning computer inside a 9.99mm thin case the computer builder has continued its marketing campaign of Adamo XPS. Without revealing even the slightest detail on specifications or hardware, which is a bit worrying, it has continued to focus on the design. The computer is only 9.99mm thin and with one of the the latest pictures shared by Dell we get some insight into the new folding design.

To keep its thin profile Dell has taken the concept it introduced with the original Adamo one step further. The screen now folds into the computer and starts not at the end but a few inches into it. Though we can’t quite get the screen ratio to match the keyboard. But we assume the first photo is taken with the computer standing on its back.

Because so many people who have had a sneak peek of Dell’s super thin Adamo™ XPS laptop seem to be falling in love with it, the company today released two more photos of the highly stylized, thin 9.99-mm Adamo by Dell system. The Adamo XPS is as intriguing open as it is closed.

We hope Dell will share more than just pictures soon, but until then we can only presume that Adamo XPS will be anything but cheap.

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