Intel has been working on bringing forth cheaper solutions with MLC NAND flash memory to spread the SSD technology to more consumer, but its high performance SLC lineup has been standing still where X25-E is the only real solution. Intel is about to change that with Ramsdale-SSD, which is based on 34nm SLC and will use PCI-Express.

The advantages of SLC is nearly twice the speed of MLC and much higher durability, the big disadvanage is that it can only store half as much data in each memory block, which makes it a rare sight on the SSD market.

Intel will update its series of SSDs with SLC, but they will be more business than anything else. Ramsdale will be an expansion card like, OCZ RevoDrive, that use PCI-Express instead of SATA for the higher bandwidth. Ramsdale will be a server solution where high bandwidth is essential and expansion cards are often used to lower the density of servers.

Ramsdale will ship with 200 GB and 400 GB and together with Lyndonville that is expected to ship about the same time, while the outdated X25-E will be phased out. Ramsdale is not for retail and even if it was the price would scare all potential buyers off. According to Fudzilla Ramsdale is expected to arrive in Q4.

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