Small preview imageNintendo has earlier confirmed that its next generation gaming console will be able to play games from all previous generations of Nintendo consoles. Over at Revolution Report they have now posted information about a patent Nintendo has recently filed, which seems to be the new emulation interface for the Revolution console. The interface presented here shows a number of emulating programs making it possible to make crossreferences between games, genres etc., and even altering them.

The patent seems to say that there will be no native hardware support for the games, but that there will be more than enough power to play the games anyway and that the games will not need to be re-coded in any way. Hopefully this means that the prices will be kept down and that we, the consumers, will get access to a lot of classic games already on day one.

We still don’t know if there is any third party support for the online services, but so far so good and we can only hope that other companies will join and make their games available as well.

Source: revolutionreport

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