The second generation NVIDIA Tegra was launched earlier this year and the circuit maker has stated that several companies are interested in the SoC. NVIDIA now says that it has great faith in the mobile market and that the PC is aging.

Neil Trevett, Head of NVIDIA’s mobile platforms, has shared his views on Tegra and its broad area of use, where he not only talks tablets but also smartphones and cars. Tegra can already be found inside some cars and if we are to believe NVIDIA this is just the beginning.

Interestingly Trevett also says that the PC we know and love will grow old and instead we will see mobile computers and the mobile Internet will become the norm.

The first mobile products using Tegra circuits looks to be Microsoft’s smartphone series Kin, but with mobiles overall Trevett believes in Android. An operating system we will see paired with Tegra 2 pretty soon.

– Android will come up with Mircosoft and Apple, also Android is going to be the Windows of the mobile world, kommenterade Neil Trevett

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