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NVIDIA has certainly not played its cards right when it comes to Microsoft’s new Windows Vista operating system. NVIDIA has made a big fuss about its support for Windows Vista through advertisement campaigns and logotypes on graphics card cartons. There is a problem though, despite the numerous delays of Vista NVIDIA is far from ready to offer a fully featured driver for its “Windows Vista Ready” graphics cards. In other words you could say that the graphics card manufacturer uses false advertising, which is far from legal. A man in the USA has taken advantage of this has now launched the site

Here Windows Vista and NVIDIA owners are urged to register and send in pictures and information about their systems to create a suit against NVIDIA. The goal hasn’t been to make money but simply to show that the community isn’t ready to accept just anything from one of the world’s biggest graphics card manufacturers.

“Contrary to a number of posts I’ve read, my goal isn’t to make money here. I’m in no way asking for a full refund, simply the depreciation of value between when I (and others) purchased the card and the value of the card on the day a driver is released for Vista that fully enables all functionality on the card without major issues and is stable enough that 4/5 posts aren’t about BSODs or other erratic fun-loving behavior.”

What will become of and its goals remains to be seen, but but it won’t take long until the 900 registered users will grow and multiply.

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