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Sony PRS-500 (Portable Reader System) is a digital book for those who are tired of the regular hardcovers and paperbacks. Most people might prefer a real sturdy book to hold, but those who appreciate the pros with digital books are getting more common for each day. Sony has now launched a tool to help these people: Sony Portable Reader System 500. A portable unit that will replace all your heavy paper books with technology that still gives you the old “paper-feeling”. Sony PRS-500 namely uses the new E Ink display technology that displays text just as if it had been written on regular paper.

This eBook can store up to 160 digital books, measuring only 175.6mmx123.6mmx13.8mm and weighing about 250g it is just a teeny tiny bit easier than carrying around 160 hardcovers. Sony PRS-500 costs a bt more though, about $349, but considering the cheaper ebooks it wil eventually pay off. Not to mention the convenience factor for those who read al lot while travelling.

:: Read on about Sony PRS-500
Source: Engadget

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