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Scientists in the USA are currently working on what could be the greatest happening since the introduction of electricity. They have namely designed a relatively simple proposal for how to transfer power wirelessly. When you talk about cable hording a large amount of these are usually power cables, but this is of course even more important to laptops, MP3 players and mobile phones, which could be granted whole new ways for wireless charging and power supply. The technology is based on resonance. Resonance is common in music, but it’s then acoustic resonance and not the electromagnetic waves the scientists are using here.

“Hence, a simple copper antenna designed to have long-lived resonance could transfer energy to a laptop with its own antenna resonating at the same frequency. The computer would be truly wireless.”

The American scientists are yet to build to a prototype but if so it would certainly be one of the greater advancements in this area for a long time. Just the thought of a wireless home makes my colleagues shiver from excitement, but we should perhaps wait and see before we make any conclusions from this. But at least there is a thorough theoretical layout for how it could work.

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