Hem Nyheter Sida 4398


Här hittar du nyheter från PC- och teknikvärlden, allt från nya produktlanseringar till heta rykten och uppseendeväckande händelser i branschen.

AMD Phenom box shots

AMD just launched its new Phenom processor series and the quad-core processors have started to reach the stores. Even if the overall performance and...

VIA Trinity Platform Brings Hi-Def to Small Spaces

VIA has always focused on power efficiency and this has of course limited performance somewhat, especially compared to the high-profile companies on the processor...

OCZ and Symwave Partner to Deliver the Smallest, Highest Performance and Lowest Power USB...

Companies Will Showcase Leading USB 3.0 and SSD Technology at CES 2010 SAN JOSE & LAGUNA NIGUEL, Calif.-November 24, 2009-OCZ Technology Group, Inc., a worldwide...

New NVIDIA Notebook GPU Line-Up – World Fastest, says NVIDIA

Already before CeBIT we knew that NVIDIA would announce four new mobile graphics circuits and it has now sent out the official press release for...

John Carmack tveksam till Cell-processorn

Cell-processorn är hjärtat i Sonys spelkonsol PlayStation 3 och var en av dem mest hypade processorerna på väldigt länge när Sony först släppte information...

PS3 måste få sänkt pris 2007 enligt Ubisoft

Sony väntas sälja en stor mängd PlayStation 3 konsoler när systemet lanseras i fjärde kvartalet 2006. Det kommer vara många tidiga köpare som inte...

AMD talar med Apple och siktar på processor med integrerad GPU

På ZDNet har man tagit sig en pratstund med AMDs technologichef Phil Hester och intervjun man nu publicerat innehåller en hel del information och...

Playstation 3 is crazy-easy to develop for

PlayStation 3 has with its unique Cell processor received a lot of complaints from game developers and other "experts" as the architecture would make it...

ATI acquire parts of XGI

ATI has chosen to follow NVIDIA for now and do some interesting acquisitions. Recently ULi was purchased by NVIDIA and now it's graphics circuit...

Windows Vista in November according to Vista blog

Windows Vista is just as PS3 one of the really big product launches this year and now it seems the two will be launched...
