NesteQ and its power supply series E²CS has been getting positive critique from both media and consumers, and we at NordicHardware decided to take a closer look at one of the members of the E²CS family. NesteQ E²CS 500W is the model in the middle, and on paper 500W might be considered a bit weak with other extreme power supplies rated at more than 1000W available. But numbers are far from everything and in our review of NesteQ E²CS 500W we see that quality build weighs more than numbers.

“It’s dubbed E²CS, which is short for “Enhanced Easy Connecting System” and the entire series is supposed to have +80% power efficiency, which will satisfy the tree huggers. The E²CS is ranging from 400 to 750W via 450, 500 and 600 Watt versions, and we’ve been handed the 500W version with the part no. E²CS 5001.”

:: Check out our review of NesteQ E²CS 500W

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