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Water cooling is starting to become quite common on the consumer market and the big problem for manufacturers is how you create a simple and efficient solution that also less skilled people will be able to use. Internal water cooling kits can often seem tricky to fit inside the case while externals are easier to handle but introduce an extra unit to carry around. Another option is to create an internal system with a tailor-made case, which is just what ThermalTake Kandalf LCS is. This case contains a full-scale water cooling system which means that users will not have to worry about where to fit the cooling.

At Xtreme Computing they’ve tested ThermalTake Kandalf LCS to see how the system performs and if the concept with a combined case/water cooling system actually work. Overall they seems very pleased with ThermalTake’s case and the question is if this could be the new fad in water cooling; complete wated-cooled cases.

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