You are all perhaps pretty familiar with our site by now, we’ve been around since the start of the millenium and have been serving you with news, articles, guides and reviews ever since. We’ve been growing steadily, both nationally and internationally and have been feeling for some time that the suit was getting small. We wanted something with a bit more power, more flexibility and something we could easily expand in the expand.

Well here we are. It’s taken longer than expected to get everything to flow and there may be one or two bugs left to fix, but don’t hesitate to tell us if you find one. You will be noticing some changes in the content too. In the past we’ve been trying to serve you with a pretty broad content, spanning from phones to NAS and overclocking with liquid helium. We’re going to cut some portions to become more focused on what we think really matters.

That of course includes overclocking, components, enthusiasts and so forth. Smarthones may be cool and all that, but overall we feel that it falls outside of what the hardcore users want to hear about. And that applies to more things, like USB memories, Apple, and so forth.

We hope you will bear with us during this first period. When everything is up and running things should be a lot smoother.

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14 Årtal sedan


I’ll postpone final judgment then and see what shakes out over time… :^)


14 Årtal sedan

I like it.

But as others have said, there are some quirks to work out. But we’ll get there! 😀

14 Årtal sedan

: Yeah, they’re present in Chrome 4.0 as well

And the avatars are placed a little bit too far to the left.

But all-in-all, it looks very nice 🙂

The blue is much better than the other colour that was discussed 😉

14 Årtal sedan

The site looks nice but you have eliminated the news article title links that used to be on the right side… By having the article links stay on the right you didn’t have to continually return to the home page to find another article to read…

Adds a lot more work to navagating the site, IMHO… Having the article title links stay on the right when you viewed/read an article was my favorite feature and now NH seems just as ordinary as all the other hardware news sites with their "Jumbled" layouts…

Too bad… :^(


Anton Karmehed
14 Årtal sedan

As said the site is still considered beta and at the moment we have some issues with Internet Explorer 8 that we are working on. But hang in there, we are working actively on solving these issues 🙂

14 Årtal sedan

Sweet! I notice some problems using Chrome 5.0.307.1 (developer channel), there are spaces in places that shouldn’t be. For example:

As said the site is still considered beta and at t he moment we have some issues with Internet Explor er 8 that we are working on.


There are still some design flaws and things that needs to be changed in the template, but we’re pre tty much there 🙂

14 Årtal sedan

Woooo 1st Comment
Nice layout!

14 Årtal sedan

It looks really good 🙂
I’m impressed!

14 Årtal sedan

What CMS do you use? Or is it custom made?