INTERPOL is an international organization that facilitates cross-border police cooperation and helps police forces in member countries. Its members work together on priority crime areas such as terrorism, public safety and drugs.If you want to join Interpol, read the detailed instructions on how to do it at

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Interpol relies on an extensive telecommunications system and a unique database of international police intelligence. It also sends out “red notices” and “diffusions,” which are notifications that a member country would like someone arrested.


The qualifications needed to join INTERPOL include at least a bachelor's degree and relevant experience. It's also helpful to have at least basic proficiency in English, French and Spanish, as well as some Arabic or Latin.

The organization aims to create a multicultural environment and encourages applicants from all nationalities. It does not discriminate on the basis of race or ethnic origin, religion, opinion, gender, sexual orientation or disability.

Among the most controversial issues facing Interpol is how it responds to Red Notice requests from member countries. It weighs the 'political', 'human rights' and 'civil' aspects of a request against the 'ordinary-law' (criminal) aspects, in order to decide whether it meets its constitution and rules.

Training requirements

INTERPOL is an international police organization that promotes law enforcement and the fight against crime. Its main goal is to bring police forces together and facilitate international policing.

To join INTERPOL you need to be a citizen of one of its 190 member countries. Then you must go through an interview and a test.

You will be assigned to a team of agents that work across the world to keep people safe and prevent crimes from happening. The job offers international travel and a high-paying salary.

Interpol is an agency that does not have its own police force; it relies on national police in each country to conduct investigations and arrest suspects. However, it does have an extensive database of information that can help the national police of other countries to prevent crime and improve their own investigations.

Online application process
If you’re interested in a career with Interpol, you’ll need to register an account on the organization’s online platform. This will allow you to upload your resume and other documents.

You’ll also need to consent to different terms of use and conditions, as well as provide a valid email address. You can then apply for a job through this platform.

The 192 member countries of Interpol work together to promote police cooperation and fight crime around the world. This is an excellent opportunity to explore other cultures and gain valuable experience.

To join INTERPOL, you must be at least 18 years old and have a valid passport. You must also have previously worked as a law enforcement officer in one of the member countries.


Working for INTERPOL is an excellent way to make the world a safer place. The organization recruits candidates from all over the world to work as police officers, detectives, financial investigators, and criminal analysts.

The organization has a network of telecommunications systems and a unique database of international police intelligence. Its day-to-day operations are carried out from its General secretariat in Lyon, France, and from the National Central Bureaus (NCBs) that are located in every member country.

INTERPOL works closely with its 195 member countries to coordinate and share information about police investigations across borders. Its members also assign their own agents to work as Interpol agents for their national police forces.

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