Small preview imageNintendo Revolution has lately become a quite frequent catch among the news going from pretty much completely absent. We have reported about everything from prices to specifations and the renowned controller. Now even more rumours have surfaced about the console’s price and launch date. We have earlier seen indications for a competitive price around $250 but now it seems it may be even as low as $200 and that the console will be launched during Thanksgiving. We are also looking at a launch worldwide, something Microsoft failed to do which causes some concern.

The price is considerably lower than that of the Xbox 360 and the question is how much Microsoft’s console will have dropped until then, hardly in the vicinity of 200$ though. This information should of course be considered with a truckload of salt, but it’s going to be very interesting to see what Nintendo, and Sony for that matter, will do to catch up to Microsoft.

Source: DailyTech

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