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Här hittar du nyheter från PC- och teknikvärlden, allt från nya produktlanseringar till heta rykten och uppseendeväckande händelser i branschen.

NordicHardware bygger om för 2010

Under söndagen har vi testat vårt nya sajtsystem och speciellt det nya forumet som kommer att baseras på vbulletin 4.0. Det första testet såg...

Microsoft begär tydligare krav från EU

Microsoft har nu valt att svara på EUs krav om att dess serverprotokoll ska bli tillgängliga för konkurrerande företag för ett rimligt pris. Microsoft...


We haven’t heard much from Albatron lately, but it has quite a few Springdale and Canterwood boards on the market. Overclockers NZ tests one of...

Windows Vista’s security features

Windows Vista is suppose to be Microsoft's most secure operating system so far and Vista's foundation has been designed to be as safe as...

Firefox breaches 10% worldwide

Firefox is the second most used browser after Microsoft's Internet Explorer. However this doesn't mean that Firefox is even close to IE's user figures...

PlayStation 3 will get a better online service than Xbox Live!

PlayStation 3 really seems to get an online service similar to Microsoft's very popular Xbox Live! service, but the latest information state that Sony...

Dell acquire Alienware?

Dell is the largest PC builder on the planet and despite its big empire things have been a little tough lately. Especially in the...

The HD formats will decide the battle between Xbox 360 and PS3

The war between Sony and Microsoft has in most discussions been about the Xbox 360's advantage due to its earlier launch versus PlayStation 3's...

Seagate Barracuda 7200.10 750GB SATA reviewed

Seagate Barracuda 7200.10 was announced not too long ago and since it was the first consumer harddrive that actually use the renowned perpendicular recording technology...

Creative sues Apple over iPod navigation system

About six months ago Creative announced that it had patents for the navigation system Apple was using with its family of iPods and considered...
