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Här hittar du nyheter från PC- och teknikvärlden, allt från nya produktlanseringar till heta rykten och uppseendeväckande händelser i branschen.

Apple acknowledges MacBook and MacBook Pro problems

We have, alas, reported at a number of occasions about several problems that have appeared with Apple's MacBook and MacBook Pro series, both based...

Apple breaks new borders – iPod Jeans from Levis

Apple iPod has become a huge brand and is by many considered 'the' MP3 player, which clearly shows in other markets interest in Apple's...

Core 2 Quadro display its power in multithreaded demo from Futuremark

Core 2 Quadro will have whole new possibilities when it comes to multitasking but to use processor cores also when not using several demanding...

NVIDIA hopes to manufacture higher quality test circuits

The process of making a computer component such as a CPU is anything but cheap, and there are a lot of small expenses to...

Corsair celebrate with gold-plated memory modules

Corsair has announced that it has now shipped over 1 million memory modules in the premium segment during 2006. In this segment we find...

Xbox 360 HD DVD reviewed

Xbox 360 will now gain one of its most important accessories yet, right in time for the launch of Playstation 3; the external HD...

Apple is already working on a second iPhone

Apple still hasn't revealed anything about a mobile phone of their own, but the rumors about "iPhone" are appearing even more frequently now. A...

Kinc and XFX GeForce 8800 GTX set a new single-card world record in 3DMark...

Kinc has been very active lately and been working hard in our test lab to push XFX's GeForce 8800 GTX to new heights. The...

Overclocking Quad FX … or not

Quad FX is AMD's new enthusiast platform, according to AMD at least. We on the other hand have had tendencies of calling it a...

PirateBay can’t buy Sealand

We earlier reported about how PirateBay had launched the site BuySealand.com to gather money for buying the "island" Sealand. Prince Michael has now made...
