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PortalPlayer will if everything goes as planned be acquired by graphics circuit manufacturer NVIDIA and if anyone has been wondering what NVIDIA will use the company’s resources for we now have a lead. PortalPlayer has made a component deal with Apple, which is suppose to be related to the coming iPhone. PortalPlayer for long delivered circuits for Apple’s iPods, but then Samsung moved in and took over PortalPlayer’s contract. There doesn’t seem to be any hard feelings and now PortalPlayer’s circuits will be used in Apple’s coming mobile phone.

It also seems likely that PortalPlayer’s technology will find its way into Apple’s iPods and this through the partnership with NVIDIA. NVIDIA is namely developing a graphics circuit for Apple’s coming iPods and through the acquisition of PortalPlayer it will be able to integrate its technologies into its main circuit.

“FBR believes that Nvidia (Santa Clara, Calif.) plans to develop an integrated processor containing the applications processor, audio decoder and video decoder, with the goal of having it designed into a next-generation iPod for 2008, according to the note.”

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