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TecnoVISION Luxio is a TV we won’t forget easily. The relatively unknown manufacturer TecnoVISION has launched what it claims to be the world’s largest LCD TV and unlike Sharp, Panasonic and Samsung which have been handing the trophy back and forth with differences of only an inch, Luxio has moved the bar way up. The largest LCD TV we’ve seen up to now has been 108″, but compared to TecnoVISION Luxio it’s nothing. Luxio namely has a phenomenal size of 205″, which is almost fiercely large. There are very little details available about the widescreen TV from TecnoVISION, but those who think 205″ is a bit much, there will be smaller models at 175″ and 150″.

We know that the TVs are huge and support HD signals. At the same time it seems that Luxio isn’t really the kind of LCD TVs we are used to. According to Engadget the TV set is built from 750,000 LEDs, which actually disqualifies is as an LCD TV. So even if this 205″ TV isn’t a real substitute for the large LCD TVs we’ve seen before it is still a very interesting creation.

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